About Kevin
As a professional, Kevin has provided design services for municipal, commercial, and residential clients with southeast Louisiana based engineering firms. When he started with the firm, his engineering services included planning and design for water/wastewater, transportation, civil site, and drainage projects.
Kevin's interest grew in the water/wastewater discipline and he left the firm to hone those skills while working for the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Water & Wastewater Technical Center of Expertise. During that time, he worked on critical water and wastewater projects around the world. In 2019, he returned to Kyle Associates to lead the firm’s water/wastewater department and his duties consist of project management, project planning, and design for municipal and private water and wastewater projects. On the water side, these projects have included water system planning, design of water distribution systems, water treatment plants, water booster pump stations, surface water intake structures, water wells, elevated and ground storage tanks, chemical feed systems, and water modeling. On the wastewater side, projects have included wastewater collection system analysis and planning, design of wastewater collection systems including gravity and pumped systems, and wastewater treatment plants.